Chorlton High School is a diverse and innovative centre of learning which is truly comprehensive.

Our purpose is to enable ALL our students to become SUCCESSFUL, CREATIVE and HAPPY learners.

Chorlton High School is open to all girls and boys of all religious and cultural backgrounds. We are proud of being a truly comprehensive, mixed High School serving our local community.

Admissions Policies


Admission from Year 6

The school has an admission number of 300 for entry in Year 7.
The school will accordingly admit this number of pupils if there are sufficient applications. Where fewer applicants than the published admission number(s) for the relevant year group are received, the Academy Trust will offer places at the school to all those who have applied.


Application process

Applications for Chorlton High School will be made through the Manchester Local Authority (LA) Co-ordinated Admissions Process. Information about the application process and access to the online application form will be sent to parents / carers by the relevant Local Authority.

All parents/carers are required to apply to their home Local Authority regardless of where the school/academy they are applying for is situated. Manchester residents will apply to Manchester Local Authority. The Local Authority will liaise with other Admission Authorities in Manchester and other Local Authorities where required. Manchester Local Authority will inform parent/carers of the outcome of their application.

Our school is very popular and is significantly over-subscribed on an annual basis. We currently have waiting lists for all Year groups, particularly Year 7. If you want your Year 6 son or daughter to secure a place at Chorlton High School we strongly recommend that you choose Chorlton High School as your first choice preference.

Further information on Admission Applications is available from the Manchester Admissions Office:

Manchester City Council
Directorate for Children and Commissioning Services
Integrated Admissions Team
PO Box 532
Town Hall Extension
M60 2LA
Tel: 0161 245 7166


Late applications

Late applications are those applications received after the closing date and before the first day of term in September, but not made in time to enable an offer or refusal of a place to be made on National Offer Day

Late applications will be considered after those received on time. If, following consideration of all applicants the school is oversubscribed, the child will be placed on the school’s waiting list.

In Year Admissions

The School has chosen to participate in Manchester City Council's coordinated scheme for in-year admissions.

In-year applications must therefore be made to Manchester City Council not the School, by following the process set out on the admissions page.

Their details are:

Admissions web page: 


Email address:   

Admissions Service
Manchester City Council 
PO Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA

Parents should consider the oversubscription criteria in the school’s admission policy, to determine whether any supporting documentation must be sent with the application. 

Ideally, parents will be notified of the outcome of their in-year applications within 10 school days of receipt, but they will in any event be notified within 15 school days. 

Our Admissions Policy can be found on our Key Policies page, please click here to view it. 

We understand that coming to a new school part way through a school year can be quite daunting for all involved, and we hope to make this as stress free a process as possible.

Once allocated a place you will be contacted by our Admissions Officer.

Your details will be passed to the Head of Year into which your child will be going and they will contact you to arrange an admissions meeting.

We endeavour to ensure all new admissions are appropriately placed to ensure they can access learning tailored to meet their needs; this will be reviewed on a half termly basis.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s admission to Chorlton High School, please contact our Admissions Officer on 0161 882 1150


Waiting lists:

In the normal admission round, the School will operate a waiting list for the duration of the first term following entry of the cohort until 31 December.  The names of all those who were unsuccessful in achieving a place in the normal admission round will be included on the list.  Thereafter the list will be cleared and parents will need to re-apply if they still want to be considered for a place.

For in-year applications, the School will operate a waiting list for the remainder of the term in which the application was refused.  Thereafter the list will be cleared and parents will need to re-apply if they still want to be considered for a place.

Children are ranked on the waiting list by reference to the oversubscription criteria set out in this policy, not by the date their name was added, which means names can go up as well as down as more children with higher priority are added.  Being included on the waiting list does not affect parents' statutory right of appeal against the refusal of a place.

Children allocated a place under the Local Authority's Fair Access Protocol will take priority over those on the waiting list.


Admission Appeals

Manchester City Council’s Independent School Appeals Service manages the appeals process for Chorlton High School through agreement with our Trust Board.

The Independent School Appeals Service ensures that all appeals lodged by the appropriate deadline are heard in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code within the timescales outlined below:

a) For applications made in the normal admission round, i.e. those applicants who receive an offer of a secondary school place for Year 7 for September 2022 on the 1st March 2022, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals (31st March 2022).

b) For late applications, (i.e. applications received after the closing date and before the first day of term in September, but not made in time to enable an offer or refusal of a place to be made on National Offer Day,) appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals (31st March 2022) where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

A “school day” is defined as any day in which a school is in session. This means that all weekends, bank holidays and school holidays are not counted when determining the timetables for the appeals process.

If you want to make an admission appeal please complete the online admission appeal form from the Manchester LA Admissions website detailed below.

You may also download a paper copy of the Admissions Appeal Form which should be returned to the Independent School Appeals Service at the address below.

Independent School Appeals Service,
PO Box 532,
Town Hall,
M60 2LA.
Telephone: 0161 234 3038
Fax: 0161 274 7017



Complaints about an Academy Independent Admission Appeal panel

If you wish to make a complaint regarding independent Admission Appeal panels then you should do so via the Education Funding Agency (EFA). You can download the Factsheet regarding this process below.

Admission Appeals

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