14 March 2018

Image of Suffrage Workshop

Our Year 9 Drama students were invited to a suffrage workshop and performance at the People’s History Museum as part of the International Women’s Day celebrations.

Organised by Dr Kirsty Bunting, Senior Lecturer in English Literature Manchester Metropolitan University the workshop explored the work of Ada Neild Chew, a radical suffragist who campaigned for equal pay rights for factory girls in the U.K. Year 9 students explored Women’s Right and discussed how Ada would feel in present day, about the progress made in areas such as sport, education, employment and the media. They enjoyed a monologue performance from an actor playing the role of Ada Neild Chew as she addressed the factory workers and employers.

Dr Bunting commented that the Year 9 pupils were a credit to the school as their engagement and enthusiasm on the day were exemplary.

Our students also enjoyed exploring the People’s History Museum further. They used all of their research and powerful workshop stimuli, the following week, during their Drama lessons to help develop exciting dance and drama pieces based on the theme of protest.

We are grateful to Dr Bunting and the University staff for an extremely enjoyable and stimulating day out.

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