In addition to the assessment information about each subject, parents can also gain an understanding of how well their child is doing through their effort score.

Parents have regularly told school that this is really useful, as it inform us all when a students is trying their best – and that is what we  what we all want to see.

This year we have been focusing with students on refining the students’ learning habits, and how they can become CHS Scholars. In many ways this looks at breaking down what good effort looks like in the classroom. So far this year we have looked at: 

  • Organisation
  • Attention
  • Home study
  • Reading

The effort grades then link to these – and you will be able to see in a students report the effort that students are demonstrating to their teachers in class and at home. To move forward with each of these it is worth looking at the effort grid and seeing how what is required at the next level. For instance, a student whose effort is good, may need to answer more questions in class or use their exercise book more efficiently in order to be ‘Excellent’.


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